Walter Wednesday : How Walt Is Frickin’ HUGE!

Walt is a big cat. I don’t mean fat. I mean big. He is long and he is tall. He is also amazingly beautiful. I’m a pretty proud mama whenever people tell me how pretty our cat is. Mostly because it’s true. He’s adorable and crazy and big.

If you have us on Facebook or Instagram you might recall this little beauty from right after we got him and I found him in the sink: 

September 2013

September 2013

What a cutie! I tried to take a picture of him in the sink tonight but it was a no go (even though he sleeps in the sink pretty much every day when I don’t want him to! What a little stinker!) but here are a few pictures to hopefully show you how big he is…

Walt in his basket, he won't sleep in it unless it is on the table

Walt in his basket, he won’t sleep in it unless it is on the table

February 2014

February 2014

When he stands on his hind legs his front paws reach my waist…he’s just really tall and everyone should love him.

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